Wednesday, September 26, 2012

32 weeks - by Holly

I'm feeling backed into a corner with this pregnancy. Ever since I started the third trimester, I have felt super tight on space in my belly and have also had what I think are pretty ridiculous digestion pains. Both of which are normal, but not necessarily common at this stage.

Regarding space, I'm measuring on track and my weight gain is also going very well. The NP I saw at my 30 week check up felt the baby was head down but then we had our "keepsake ultrasound" and found that Baby Sam is still very much head up (which is what has been pushing on my rib cage). At my check up this morning I saw a different doc who concluded that if the baby is head up, his bum is sitting very low in my pelvis, which is why the NP thought is was the head. They'll be doing an ultrasound in 2 weeks to determine Sam's position and if he's still head up at 36 weeks we need to start talking about how we will address his breech position. It's more normal for babies to move to a head down position by now because it's a better use of their space... I think this is why I'm soo uncomfortable.

Regarding food, I have to seriously limit what I eat or else I will have miserable heartburn/acid reflux/nausea (yay pregnancy!). I'm down to foods that are in a pure form--NO spices or seasoning. Vitamins make me sick. I only have caffeine in the morning (coffee) and sodas have been out for a while now. I'm too low on iron. If it doesn't come up, it's more likely I will need a blood transfusion after giving birth. NO THANKS! I need to get more vitamins but my body is seriously fighting it. Looks like the only thing left to do is suck it up and be sick a lot...

Thus my feeling backed into a corner. But I keep thinking about Thanksgiving dinner (Sam will be out by then) and I can have space to enjoy a delicious meal!!! --With a cute little newborn of course. Except for the little part. ;)


  1. I hope you don't have to have a blood transfusion!!!! I had one and it took forever! I think it slowed down my recovery a little because instead of getting up to walk I had to stay in bed for 12 hours after delivery!

    BUT... I had a brand new baby so I would do it all over again if I had to. :-)

  2. Yikes to the blood transfusion, but yuck to iron supplements. :( They make me sick too. Don't know if it would give you enough of a boost, but I try to cook as much as I can in my cast iron skillet since it's supposed to help with iron levels. HATE pregnancy but LOVE those babies. Hang in there girl, you're doing great!

  3. Turn sam turn! Are you looking at an external version if he doesn't flip? Small frequent meals was the only thing that I could do that last trimester and I felt like I was always hungry. As one short torso girl to another, I am sorry it is so hard. Not enjoying food day in and day out is a very rough place to be mentally and 32 weeks is that hard spot where you are close but not close enough to feel like it will end soon. I will be praying for peace, patience, and sustenance for you. Oh and also that those levels come up for your iron!

  4. When I was pregnant I had to eat a spinach salad every day. I also had these vitmins that I took every couple of hours so that I didn't get a huge burst of nausea. The vitamin spacing + spinach helped me fight off my natural anemia.
