Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Cottage in Waynesville

A couple years ago when my friend Elizabeth got married we stayed at an amazing cottage in Waynesville, NC. Ever since that trip we have longed to go back and were finally able to do that this year! After Thanksgiving we escaped to the mountains for a few days. Even though it rained every second we were there, we were still able to hike and play outside. There were definitely some ups and downs but overall it was really good to be away for a bit as a family.

*my camera broke right before this trip so all these pictures are with a loaner (read=not as good as my camera)

the boys insisted i take a picture of the rock and bird

day 1: ending on choc chip cookies!

general silliness

working on a puzzle

christmas pjs from grandma & grandpa

day 2: still foggy

the best french toast i've ever made

going on a hike

repeating pic from 2 years ago in front of roots

repeating pic from 2 years ago

i took the girls into town and came back with puzzles and the next day's breakfast

500 piece puzzle

day 3: local bakery breakfast, yum!

still foggy

you can *start* to see the mountains

1 comment:

  1. Ack - hate that your camera really broke! :-p Looks like y'all had a great time and finally busted out the Christmas pjs. :-)
