Saturday, December 12, 2015


This year we hosted the Weirs (a family of 6) and Granny for Thanksgiving. We used my grandma's silver and her wine glasses (for sparkling grape juice, ha ha), and Will made origami napkins with napkins from Colin's family. We were supposed to have a new tablecloth but I cut the fabric the length of the table. Yeah. I was very careful with my math and measure twice blah blah blah but when it came time to cut the length I looked at the wrong measurement--DOH! Dinner still tasted good though and afterwards we got our Christmas tree and had our annual screening of The Grinch. The next day Cam installed the mail slot I got for my birthday 3 years ago! Colin and I have been too afraid to do it. Boy am I glad Cam was willing to--we really needed his expertise! We finished our time with pictures at dinner at the ATC. Thanks for coming Weirs! And for bringing all your yummy food! And for installing the mail slot!

this is my fav

kids table for 4... in other words, half of our kids--lol

all 8 kids!

yes Will, this is the perfect time to tie your shoe. Nevermind that it's been like that all day.

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